Church Council - Tithe - 2023


Tithe Report for 2023

Some reports are missing as the previous council of the Star City United Methodist Church decided to not share anything with the other United methodist churches globally.  After the disaffiliation vote, it was requested that the Star City United Methodist Church resume paying their tithe.  

Normally, this would be 10% , a small portion going to support the Indiana Conference.  The balance, majority, supporting ministries and churches domestically and internationally.  An additional 1% was requested to pay for district support staff and ministries.  This 1% does not leave our Northwest District.

In the interim, the Indiana Conference of the United methodist Church has we requested we set a goal of 3% total.  2% to be shared and 1% for the Northwest District.  Then, each following year, make a goal of increasing the tithe by 1% until we are at the 10% or best we can do.

Posting of reports begin this year with March 2023 - the month prior to the disaffiliation vote taken on Monday April 10, 2023.  As of that date 0% has been sent.

  • March 2023 - PRE-DISAFFILIATION VOTE (previous officers)

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