
Below are fellowship and learning opportunities here at the Star City United Methodist Church as well as offerings by Tippecanoe Circuit UMC churches.

Feel free to join us any time you wish!

Community Family Supper

FREE community meal for everyone of all ages at the Star City United Methodist Church.

Supper will be served at 5 PM on the first Wednesday of the month through the end of 2023.  While there will be a free will offering to help defray the cost of the meal, BUT!, there is no obligation to contribute. Please make an effort to be here as close to 5 PM as possible. We are trying to make this like a good family dinner like we all had when we were kids!

There will be a before meal prayer.  There may be songs, or skits, or games, or who-knows-what ... but it is not going to be a church service. All we are hoping to do is gather around the supper table; moms and dads; brothers and sisters; all, family and friends.

So get your hands washed and be at the church for suppertime.
We hope to see you here!

Lunch With the Pastors

Lunch With the Pastors officially begins on Wednesday May 10, 2023.

This is not a bible study even though we talk about the bible sometimes.  This is not a closed group because Jesus loved sharing a meal with everyone.  So whether you or someone you know is a member of a church or not, there is always room at the table for everyone.

  • So bring a lunch.
  • Bring a snack to share if you feel so inclined.
  • Bring a sense of humor.
  • And bring yourself.

Watch the Star City Facebook page for more information..

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